Saturday, September 24, 2011


To a naked eye this might appear to be just another record (younger generation might wonder, what a record is ) ... want to know more about it ??? Who initially owned it ? How was it passed on to me ? etc., ....

This dagger is known as a Khyber Dagger, and this once belonged to Eric Sharpe (Dehradun) ... and there is a story behind it. Anyone interested to hear about it, more in details ???

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


In this photo you see Sammy bhai, Veena Didi and Neeta Didi - Mrs & Mr Spencer's children. Sammy bhai lives in CMS Mission Compound, Khuni Pul (there is a story why this place is called Khuni Pul), Meerut. Veena Didi is in USA and Vinita (Neeta) didi lives at a city near Lucknow. The person missing in this photo is Jyoti ...

In the above photograph is Mrs & Mr Spencer.

— with Vincent earnest Peters at MEERUT

Priyo wrote: "SCM in Meerut started in the early 50's . My brothers, Mahinder & Rajinder Seth, Raj Kumar Michael& brothers were the organizers of the movement. The first staff adviser was Donald Rugh and then Miss Mangal Singh. Many of these names are recognizable in the group photos. Harry Daniel was the general secretary , came to Meerut on at least two occasions. I am glad that there are some survivors of that great time in history and am grateful to others who have the desire to remember the history. Thank you."

Priyo Seth's contribution :

"Just saw your note.
Let me bring you up to date re family- if you see one of the SCM photos, you will see Mr. C.A. Spencer. He was my mother's first cousin. His daughter is Dimple Samuel , married to Johnson Samuel. Debby is their daughter. Dimple'sbrother is Sammy Spence, has a house in CMS Compound. Sammy's mother,Sheela, wasmy mami (married to Mr. C.A. Spencer- my sylloo mamu. They lived in begumbagh - the very last house in the gali- four or five houses down after Mr.V.S.Michael's house. The Silloo mamu built the house the CMS compound -like manyother christians.I have known most of the families in that area, notably- Samual Peter, SherSingh , Priti Bua, Noel Bhayya, Pearl Davis &, Asharfi Lals, Mannu & SannuSingh, Paul Sharma, Brave sisters - Mona & Perin (Mona was in my class at StThomas) , Vncent Peter ( his son Allan is in touch with me - he is the one who,I believe posted these SCM photos). Of course there many others- the list islong- one of my good friends from that time and also the staff adviser of ourSCM9 1962-64) lives in your vicinity - Mr Dharamjit Singh ( I hope is well, methim last in 2003. His house is near the Peoplels' brothers house. Of coursethere is Mrs Meher Singh (Doris, my favorite teacherwhen I was at St Thomas -2nd-3rd class !How is this for a little bit of the past. Of course, close to your family-Ernest Sharpe, Edwin Sharpe ( there was a third brother alsowho lived nearTurkman Gate, Delhi - was it Charlie ?) and there was Tina Aunty & Mr RanjitSingh & there sons. Edwin Mamu was very close to our family. You see, inthose times, every one was a mamu or masi - though their was very little or nofamily connection. Our ancestors took these relationships very seriously - I remember I had masis & mamus all around. But no Chacha or Tau. My father was anonly boy in his entirefamily. We did have a chacha - again my Dadi's friend's son - not a realchacha (mr. C.S. Lawrence- a police officer who married Mr C.A. Spencer 'ssister Catherine (my Kattho masi) .I am attaching a photo of my childhood with my buddies ! And a couple more- part of history. See if you have any of Arthur Uncle & Edith Aunty- Thank you"

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Douglas Stone and his family

In the above photograph : sitting front left is Stone nana, in his lap is Vivek Lal (Asha's eldest son), beside him is Mr Chuttan Lal (Asha's father-in-law)
Standing from left to right : Mrs C. Lal (Asha's mother-in-law), in the center is Rajender Lal (Asha's husband) next to him is Asha Lal (my elder sister)

Again, not much information is available about Riasal Singh. Riasal Singh had 3 sons and 3 daughters. He had two wives.

Of his first wife he had the following children :

George Stone

Clement Stone

Vinnie (daughter)

Violet (daughter)

Of his second wife Victoria he had :

Douglas Stone

Moon (daughter)

George Stone was a driver in the Indian Railway, this is what I have been told. If I recollect it right he also spent some time in a seminary, although he was not able to complete his theological studies. He is also known for his affinity towards music. He was equally good in Vocals and instruments, he played Tabla and Harmonium well. Also I wish to mention here. that K. L. Sehgal, the legendary figure of the glorious days of Indian cinema, was a bossom friend of George Stone. George Stone made Ambala his home.

Clement Stone was a motor mechanic and made Old Delhi his home. He lived at Chatta Moomgram, near Turkman Gate. When ever we (me and Nani) went to Delhi to visit Edwin nana, we always made it a point to visit Clement nana (I called him Chottey nana, perhaps that was his nick name). I am forgetting his wife (my nani's name) He was always very hospitable, the 'koftas' I ate at their place was one of the finest in terms of aroma and taste ! Clement Stone had a son (again forgetting names) and two daughters. The son as per the last available information has migrated to Middle East. I also know that one of his daughter died very young. I have no information about the family now, I am so sorry I lost the contact.

About his three daughters I have no information.


... and this is Roorkee ...

L 2 R
Prateek Simon Dass, Gladys Dass, Parika Charan, Sunita Charan and Ezra Charan

This man loves tea so much ... he is Donald Sharpe (Donny, Oscar Sharpe's second son, his permanent address is in Saharanpur. With him is Sunita Singh (Sonu) Gillo Aunty's eldest daughter. I captured this moment ... location is nurses quarters, Doon Hospital, Dehradun.

Sanjay Sharpe (Oscar Sharpe's youngest son) with his wife Sangeeta

Front - Rani Sharpe, Leela Massey, Gladys Dass
Manoj (Maya Sharpe's son-in-law) husband of Tina, Tunnu Mamoo and me

Man in white shirt and pant in the front row is Capt. Edwin Sharpe, behind him you can see his daughters and his wife too

Ladies sitting in the front are (left) Sushil Sharpe's mother (Right) Edith Singh (Sharpe)
I am sorry I do not recogninze the lady behind and the child squeezed in between the two ladies

Raja, Ivy, Rani (Capt. Edwin Sharpes' children) and Zari aunty
correct me if I am wrong

Capt. Edwin Sharpe's family and in the centre is my father Emanuel Prabhu Dass

Gillo Aunty (Gladys) I took this photograph in Roorkee

The man with the rifle is Patric Sharpe

Patric Sharpe with Sarro mami and in their lap is Anjula (Baby)

I am sorry I do not recognize the old lady in white saree, but I presume that she is Tina nani's mother, in the centre is Tina Singh (Sharpe) next to her is Edith Singh (Sharpe)
kids in the fron row - Vinod Dass (my eldest brother) next to him is Sushil (my elder brother) behind Sushil is Veena (Tina nani's younger daughter) , next to Sushil is Asha (my elder sister) standing close to Asha is Donald (Bhushi, Tina nani's youngest son)

Sharpe in his last days, picture was shot at Dehradun, standing with him is Asha and Rajender Lal (Raju)

Gulab Singh's childrens are Earnest, Edith, Edwin, Tina and Augustus.

Earnest Sharpe's children are Patrick, Oscar, Perry, Jerry, Babbu, Tunnu and Guddu (Sushil) and sisters Gladys and Vidoshi Rani and Maya.

Patric's Children are : The eldest is Anjula M. Sharpe, she lives in Chadigarh. Anil Sharpe's second wife is Meena Sharpe. From his first wife he has a daughter Swati Sharpe. Anil lives in the United States with his wife Meena. Swati is in Chandigarh. The youngest is Sanjeev Sharpe and he lives in Chandigarh too and I am not aware of his wife's name. He has a son and a daughter (I don't know their names)

Oscar's children are : Ajay Sharpe married to Lovleen Sharpe, they are settled in Ghaziabad. Ajay works in Modinagar, Lovleen is a teacher in Ingraham Institute. They have a son and a daughter. Donald Sharpe (Donny), the second son lives in Saharanpur and as per the last information he was working in Ghaziabad, he has two daughters. Sanjay Sharpe is the youngest one, married to Sangeeta. They are settled in Ghaziabad. Sanjay works with DAEWOO company and Sangeeta is a teacher in Ingrahm Institute. They have two sons - Shaloom (he completed his 10+2 recently and is doing some professional course) and ...

Perry's wife is Esther and their family is Khutiya, Kamal (Kamal I know is settled in States), they have aone more dayghter ...

Jerry's wife is from Meerut, and their daughter is Vandana she married in the Sherring family in Madhya Pradesh.

Babbu ...

Guddu (Sushil Sharpe) is married to Maya, and Aman is their son ...

Vidoshi Rani is in States

Gladys (Gillo)'s kids are Raju, Sunita, Meenu, Rahul, Raman, Babli and Guriya, Raju expired at a very young age. Sunita married Charan and her children are Ezra (she is doing her nursing training at Appolo, Delhi), Parika is still studying Enouch is in schools. Sunita is settled in Dehradun and works at Doon Hospital. Meenu married Baizel Joseph (deceased) and her children are Sheena (she got an appointment at BEG Roorkee), ... (to be continued)


ON CHAIRS FROM LEFT TO RIGHT - Mr Macgee ( Social Secretary ), Miss i Washington, Mr K. Micheal ( President ) Miss V.M. Singh (Staff Advisor ) Rev H. F. J Daniel, Miss s. Balaram (Vice President ) Mr M. K. Seth ( Secretary ) Miss c. M. Seth ( Treasurer ), Mr _V Emerson ( Joint Treasurer )

STANDING FIRST ROW - Miss P Singh, Miss L Paul, Miss h Abraham, Mr H Washington, Mr Abraham, Mr E P Jacob, Mr A K Michael, Mr C. Permanand, Miss F F Haqq, Miss T Emerson, Miss D. Shaw

STANDING TOP ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT - Mr R Simon, Mr J. Balaram, Mr C. A. Spencer, Mr D. Permanand, Mr V. Peters ( My Father ), Mr J Colvin, Mr N Singh, Mr K. S. Uthwaal, Mr Singh, Mr Titus

Agra Regional Conference

Eric Michael and 1st wife Victoria Asha in lap and Henry Michael

Isaprem and Francis Sonwani.

Girl in the middle sitting on the ground is Minervee Singh (Mother of Ella Michael)and Grand Mother of Vijay Michael, Anand Michael, Jaswant Michael and Raj Michael

Victor Michael / Father of Raj Michael, Jaswant Michael, Anand Michael and Vijay Michael

Ella Mawashi Singh Michael / Mother of Raj Michael, Jaswant Michael, Anand Michael and Vijay Michael

Hem Raj and Nelley (Bhuria) Singh's Family.
Back Standing. Eric Michael (Jagdish's father) Asha Michael (Daughter of Eric Michael)
Victor Michael.
Sitting: Helen Michael, Henry Michael, Hem Raj Singh, Nelley Singh, Ella Michael.
On the Floor:(L) Raj Kumar, Jaswant Kumar, Anand Kumar and (Eric Michael's) children Lawrence Michael and Chote Michael

Left to Right Vijay Michael, Dadi (Nelley Singh), Jaswant Michael, Anand Michael
Picture taken by Raj Michael

... Here is the latest update from Jagdish Michael :

"Hemraj Singh, his wife's name was Nellie. He became pastor lived most of life in Arah Balia (Bihar) and Chandpur U.P. died in 1943 and buried in Meerut U.P. He had 3 sons, eldest Eric, Henry and Victor.(all deceased) Eric Michael born on March 2nd,1898 and died in 1986 buried in Ludhiana (Punjab) Eric married twice 1st wife Victoria had 3 children, Asha, Charles and Lawrence.

2nd wife name Javitri, had 8 children their names are Jagdish, Julius (deceased), Rajender, Rajkumari, Pushpa, Mohinder, Pyari and Dulari.(Pyari and Dulari died at birth)

Hemraj Singh's 2nd son Henry Michael his wife name Helen, most of his lived in Kanpur U.P. worked as Chief Sanitary In specter. Had one daughter Mohini.

Hemraj Singh 3rd son Victor Michael wife Ella, 4 sons Rajkumar, Jaswant, Anand and Vijay.

Eric Michael's son Jagdish Michael born in Sardhana U.P. 1944. Wife Subhashini lived most of my life in Ludhiana (Punjab) worked at C.M.C Hospital as male nurse and in 1976 migrated to Nashville Tennessee U.S.A. Has 3 daughters Savita, Rashmi and Jyoti.

Rajender Michael wife Naomi lives in Ludhiana, 3 children Surinder, Kiran and Narender.

Rajkumari married to Chaman Lal lives in Amritsar (Punjab) 3 children Pankaj, Karuna and Neeraj.

Pushpa married to Johnson Chand lives in Barielly U.P. Children names Rohina, Rohit and Mohit.

Mohinder Michael lives in Ludhiana wife Dorcas Children Meenakshi (Bombay) Vishal and Monica in U.S.A.

Asha married to Maxwell Singh (Both deceased) lived in Bijnor U.P. children Vinod, Vijay Kumar and Virender .

Lawrence Michael wife Grace lived in Jullunder (Punjab) children are Pirthi, Ajay, Sunita, Sunil and Anil.

I will add Eric Michael's great grand children names soon.

Love to all of you. Jagdish Michael "

I have been very well supported by Vijay Michael, his brother Jagdish Michael (both from the United States of America) and Sushil Sharpe Dehradun, Uttrakhand, India. I wish to thank these three gentlemen for imparting all these valuable information.

This is just the genesis, we have much more to do. Find more people who fit in this big family. etc., etc.,

If you have any additional information, etc., about Hemraj Michael, please contribute. I believe Michaels have so many photographs on their FaceBook profiles, I would use them for this blog, with their due permission.

The available information says that Hemraj. At the time of writing this article I have no information about the name of Hemraj's wife.

Hemraj had three sons :

Eric Michael

Henry Michael

Victor Michael

I still have to beg and borrow more information from Vijay Michael and Jagdish Michael ... I will upgrade this post as soon as I have the information with me.

I have some information about Victor Michael, He lived at Begum Bagh, Meerut and also was a neighbour of Tina Singh (you will know more about her in the coming chapters), Colvins, Titus and one more christian family (I am forgetting their name). I have my childhood memory about Victor nana, as far as I can recollect he was tall and handsome, had white mustaches, a deep and loud voice, good sense of humor. I with my nani (Edith Singh) was a regular visitor to the family. Every holiday, it was either we visiting them at Begum Bagh or the family visited us at Nagla Battu.

Victor Michael was married to Ella Mawashi Singh and had four sons :

Raj Michael (or Raju Michael), he is very well known for the last post he held as the Director of Inghram Institute, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. He is now leading a retired life and is settled in Ghaziabad.

Jaswant Michael (more information on his is awaited)

Vijay Michael is married to Martha Michael and they have a son Rajesh Michael who is married to Catherine Michael. Their daughter is Neena Michael Stephen and she is married to Wes Stephens. The family is settled in U.S.A.

Before we move to the next family, I wish to say that most of the people are now on FACEBOOK and very soon if the individual permits I will give you their phone numbers, addresses or links to their FACEBOOK accounts.


Jagdish Michael commented :
"It starts from Kallu Singh his son Nainsukh, his sons Hemraj Singh (Michael), Gulab Singh (Sharpe) and Riasal Singh ( Stone). Hemraj Singh had 3 sons Eric, Henry and Victor Michael. Gulab Singh's childrens are Earnest, Augustus, Edwin and their sisters, Edith and Tina ( sharpes). Risal Singh children are George, Clement, Douglas and their sister Moon (Stone). Please correct me if I am wrong. Earnest Sharpe children are Patrick, Oscar, Perry,Jerry, Babbu, Tunnu and Guddu (Sushil) and sisters Gladys and Vidoshi Rani. Manju is Chacha George Stone's (Ambala, railway driver) daughter. Nainsukh converted to Christianity in 1871. I have his hand written Baptismal certificate. Now I have started this, please add more names. Tina phupi children Raj kumar still living in Sonipat other Mohinder,Virender and Bushi are dead and sister Shobha and...... forgot her name.please fill in the blank."

We will discuss at large about Cutting, Comfort, Budden and Spencers in the coming chapters, but for the time being we will focus our attention on Nain Singh. Again not much is known about Nain Singh. Once again we wish to appeal that if any one has any information, document or photograph, please forward us a scan copy, and it will be our pleasure to publish it in this blog with due attribution.

Nain Singh had three sons :

Hemraj who adopted the surname Michael

Gulab Singh who adopted the surname Sharpe

Riasal Singh who adopted the surname Stone

In the coming chapters we will disscuss about these brothers and their families in details.


The history of the family dates back to the year 1871, the document that supports this is a handwritten Baptism Certificate, According to this Baptism Certificate an Indian by the name of Kallu Singh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, accepted Jesus Christ as his personal saviour. Initially he was from a Hindu background. The said Baptism Certificate is in possession of Vijay Michael (U.S.A.). We are not aware of his date of birth or the day he passed away, where he is buried., etc., any additional information, photograph is most welcome.

The earlier history, as to who his father and mother were, what their occupation was, and other information are not available.

According to the available information he had five sons :

Nain Singh






Man in blue is me, Vijay Dass, standing next to me is Abhishek (Manna, my elder son) in his lap is Chiya (Asha didi's grand daughter), lady next is Gladys (my wife), next to her in the back row is Upasana (Dolly, Asha didi's daughter), with her is Sapna (Sushil Dass' elder daughter, Sushil is my elder brother), in Sapna's lap is Ashmit (Asha didi's grandson), gentleman extreme right is Sushil Dass, my elder brother. The boy is strip shirt is Prateek (my younger son)

This is Dr. B. S. Massey (Late) and Mrs Leela Massey (Arthur Singh's younger daughter)


My papa, Emanuel Prabhu Dass, he was an ordained priest and served Indianational Church, Byculla, Mumbai, he worked for six days and served the Lord on the seventh day. By profession he was a Pharmacist and Druggist, with Dr Sahib Singh & Sons) Church Gate, Mumbai

My papa & mummy - E. P. Dass & Shiela Dass

My mother Shiela Dass

My nana Arthur Singh (Telephone Exchange) spent most of the time hunting, fishing or playing hockey !

my papa E. P. Dass and with him is Wilfred Hambrum

sitting front row - Asha, Vinod (my sister and brother) Guddi (my chacha's elder daughter) Sushil (my elder brother)
Sitting - My chachi Lalita, standing beside her is me (Vijay Dass), next to her is Samoo (my chacha), Arthur Singh (my nana), Edith Singh (in her lap is my chacha's son Anil) the lady is Leela Massey (my aunt)

I am Vijay Dass

My address is 237 Nagla Battu, Christian Colony, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India

My Mobile : +91 8791776869

You can also locate me on FACEBOOK (search me as Vijay Dass)

rest of the information - coming soon !

This is just a beginning more photographs and information about the family will be uploaded, your contribution is solicited